3 min readFeb 25, 2021

Like the popular wardrobe change we make every time the temperatures start to rise, it’s time to start paying attention to our skin. Remember that your skin has a memory and that what you do today will be reflected in it tomorrow. The heat, the saltpeter, and the sea can be your enemies in summer.


It is necessary to emphasize that during the summer months, you need “extra” hydration and protection. To avoid all these hassles, and to keep your skin radiating, here are few summer skincare tips you can follow!

1. Exfoliate your Skin:

The ground rule of basic skincare is to exfoliate your skin. It is very important to exfoliate the skin well in summer to remove dead skin and improve blood circulation on the face. Remove dead cells from the skin’s surface once a week with a gentle exfoliator. You will get much smoother skin and will probably get a more even and beautiful tan.

Be careful not to overdo the exfoliation, if you do it you can leave your skin drier since you are weakening the protective barrier and the water could easily escape. When in doubt, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the label.

2. Use Sunscreen every day:

Sunscreen should be your must-have throughout the summer. Throw away your unused sunscreen bottles. Sunscreens aren’t meant to last forever and seeing most people don’t use as much as they should so buy yourself a new one. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, waterproof, and with a minimum SPF of 30.

3. Keep yourself Hydrated:

Your body tends to lose a large amount of moisture in the summer, so it is necessary to periodically replenish the H2O. Drink plenty of water and fluids, and your skin will remain smooth and hydrated. Drinking two liters of water daily will help you avoid oily skin and brighten your face

4. Be careful with the air conditioning:

Do you think that heaters are the only artificial air source that can visibly dry out the skin? Think again. Air conditioners can suck moisture out of the air, which can lead to very dry-looking skin in the summer. If you can’t avoid them, make sure to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day.

5. Avoid Fizzy Drinks:

Fizzy drinks contain sugar that is not good for your skin. Drink water, fresh fruit juices, or coconut water to stay hydrated, and minimize your intake of diuretics, such as alcohol and caffeine, as they reduce the water in your system.

6. Moisturize your skin:

Do not abandon your moisturizers in summer! Apply them during the hottest months after cleansing and as needed throughout the day.

7. Use a toner:

Thanks to its natural cooling properties toners are an excellent ally for the skin because it soothes, protects the skin, hydrates it and refreshes it!

8. Follow a healthy diet:

The ingestion of certain foods will also help improve the appearance of your skin. Fresh vegetables and fruits are an essential component of the summer diet. If you eat these foods regularly, you will promote the hydration of your body and, therefore, also of the skin.


Sun protection measures are not only applied when we expose ourselves on a beach or in an open field, while we enjoy the pleasant sunny days. Sunlight is the main source of UV rays and they reach us the same if the sky is cloudy or on a rainy day. Of course, it’s not fun for anyone to stay indoors to avoid the sun’s rays, but it’s important to note that getting too much sunlight can be harmful.

You just have to stay in the shade for as long as possible, which is one of the best ways to limit your exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If you are going to spend time outdoors, wear a t-shirt; apply sunscreen, wear a hat and sunglasses, and especially seek shade.

Ready to enjoy the summer without risking your health. If you found these summer skincare tips useful, share them with your family and friends.




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